KBK Builders, LLC considers their employees to be their most valuable asset.
We believe in maintaining a high quality employee orientation program for all. It is also our belief that through training, and motivation of our employees, accidents and incidents can be minimized, if not prevented entirely. This is the primary responsibility of each person. Cooperation is necessary for the protection and cooperation of all. Our employee handbook and safety manual will guide us to perform every task, the right way, every time.
KBK employees take pride in their dedication to keeping our work environment safe and the KBK team is always working to bring the very best practices to our job sites and our office.
Whenever possible, we look within our company to promote employees to new or vacated positions, providing various growth opportunities.
If you feel that you would like to join the KBK team, please complete the online application. We will review your information, and if interested, we will contact you.
Thank you for considering the KBK team.